The astronomical price of real estate is a huge challenge to our community. Since our family moved here in 1993, Diane has worked both as a community midwife and a health care provider at the Point Reyes Clinic. We’ve therefore had a front line look at young families increasingly struggling to stay in Marin. Through caring for both my parents in Marin and now for Diane’s mother, we see the issues and support systems available to elders in our community.

I have helped to pass our Junior Second Unit ordinance and helped legalize second units. Small, flexible design of our housing and increased sharing of space improves everyone’s lives.

I am proud of Fairfax for crafting an approval of Victory Village, 53 units of 100% very affordable senior housing on an already-developed space. I supported this opportunity for years as a citizen and as a Planning Commissioner, and it has changed countless lives for the better. I am so happy that Victory Village now enjoys a broad consensus of support and has changed the housing conversation in the county.

That approval however took five years, nearly derailing the project. The State has now reacted to these types of local delays (I would say overreacted), with a spate of new laws including the requirement for Objective Design and Development Standards, streamlined approval processes, and requirement to zone for large numbers of living spaces in our Housing Element. Fairfax has met these goals — not doing so would not only be ignoring the great need but would subject the Town to penalties including total loss of local control. The pendulum will no doubt swing back toward an achievable center, but the needs are real.

If the town is presented with an appropriate application for low-cost, “workforce” infill housing, I would seriously consider its value and hope to again reach a community consensus. While on the Planning Commission, I have helped to pass our Junior Second Unit ordinance and helped legalize second units. Small, flexible design of our housing and increased sharing of space improves everyone’s lives. Smaller, “affordable by design” living spaces and ADUs are well supported. I helped limit the largest developments by bringing forth and passing a limitation on maximum house size (reducing from 5000 to 3500 sq.ft.)