I’m deeply involved with electrification and resilience of Town buildings and vehicles, am a leader in making our own homes resilient and future-ready, and am working hard on an exciting move toward community resiliency

In our house we have insulated, upgraded windows, installed LED lighting and efficient appliances, and installed a small solar array on our rooftop. Our utility bills are very low – and this is with both of our cars now being electric (Chevy Bolts). The Town’s existing policies helped our family to do all this, by waiving permit fees for solar and for EV chargers. I have supported the adoption of a PACE program and other policies to further streamline solar and to promote future building being done consistent with the 100% renewable future. I work with our Climate Action Committee, Resilient Neighborhoods and MCE Clean Energy to promote household-level actions such as ours and show the many funding opportunities now available. Jump in, let’s keep Fairfax ahead of the curve and ready our homes for a clean and peaceful future!

For the Fairfax Community, I have led with a vision to upgrade the Pavilion so it is powered by solar during power outages — making this venerable building a basic Resilience Center for the community when needed. This vision extends to also keeping the Public Works yard, the Women’s Center, and the chargers for the town’s increasingly electric vehicle fleet, all operating during outages.